The Skater/Swimmer Blog
The life of an amphibious skater-teen, who is fascinated with demons

Chapter 2 – Demon Story

Well guys this is chapter 2. If you haven’t read chapter 1 please do so before reading this one here. Please comment and enjoy 🙂

→I AM MOMENTARILY FROZEN, brain numb from the fearful sight which is bounding towards me at a freighting speed. Its muscular extremities waving frantically, hoping to get their already bloody claws on me, through me. The thought of death always scared me, however my life ending in such a violent manner sent whatever left over adrenaline I had to my brain, pushing me into action without even having to think. I set off away from the terrible monstrosity, no thought in my mind, except that of saving myself.

Some of the other students, those that decided to chance the halls instead of being slaughtered like locked up cattle, also spotted the demon. A girl to my right squealed and dropped to the ground, easy prey for our tracker. The rest of us turned tail and ran. A few to the now closed door of our class. Banging, begging to be saved from their impending, cruel fate, the rest, like myself, started sprinting faster then we thought possible, the prospect of death driving us on. I quickly planned out the school in my mind and what would be the shortest way out. The central office is two floors down and a one hundred meter dash after that. 

I turn my head slightly, checking on my attacker’s progress out of the corner of my eye, not daring to spare more attention in fear of slipping. It’s lumbering after me, using its many arms and legs to keep at a constant pace. The stumps and scythe like claws, however, are merely getting in the way. They constantly snag on doors and posters hanging from the walls. Something crashes into me, knocking me off course, almost at the stairs. The body’s momentum sends me flying into a wall of lockers instantly winding and disorienting me. As I fall I look at what hit me and lose what little breath I had.

he body, no, the corpse, is lying a little ways behind me, a tall woman, maybe a teacher. She is motionless, and sputtering out blood from a hole in the neck, where her head used to be. The cut is very clean, probably done at an inhuman, unnatural speed with an extremely sharp blade. Who’s blade? This was a completely different sort of horror, yet no less terrifying then the one after me. This was a human shaped demon, large and the skin is of a light green color. The head however is that of an alligator with a shortened snout, yet the prominent fangs poking out from under the scaly upper lip are just as sharp, possibly even deadlier. But how did she perform the decapitation so cleanly? My eyes dart lower, to her arms, which turn out to end in two gigantic blades, each almost the full length of the arm, both are covered in blood. I gawp in a terrified awe at this demonic creature. It lifts a blade, as though preparing to strike me down, and licks the blade with an almost human tongue, which, however, is too long and green to be considered human, and smiles menacingly

Reality hits me harder then the first death I saw today as my eyes focus to the classroom from which came this monstrosity. Blood everywhere, all covered in blood. Shreds of humans lying randomly throughout the room, littering the floor and desks, from within comes the smell of blood, and with it, the smell of mass-slaughter. My mind focuses back on my primary objective and I hastily get to my feet, looking back only to check on the evil still running towards me. I’d been on the ground for only a few seconds and it was already almost upon me. I start running but hastily slow down and jog for the next few meters. The floor is covered in blood, making it dangerous to run, slipping now would add more blood to the floor if the demon caught up to me. After I clear the bloody patch of the hall I start running again, driven by determination, the will to survive and a force I’ve never felt before. Slightly like an adrenaline rush, but it feels like the water rushing through my body, sweeping over and through me. 

Not stopping to pause at the complexity of the feeling, just glad I have something driving me on, I continue my run, almost at the stairs now. I reach the stairs and again slow down, my immense effort up to this point would be wasted if I slipped and broke my neck. It would also be wasted however if the monster caught up, which would be far worse then any injury I could sustain running down the stairs. The monster is now but a few meters behind me, the stairs however may slow it down, if I’m incredibly lucky.

I rush down the stairs, not pausing to look or listen to anything, unknowing of any further murder that could be going on. One turn, another, I’ve descended two floors, now only one hundred meters away from freedom. The monster behind me decided to take a shortcut down the stairs, the shortest way possible. It leaps over the banister, cackling at the thought of my death, and lands with a heavy thud behind me. Apart from the deep thunk and a very loud crack of bones and a shrill grunt from behind me. I force myself to keep looking ahead, as I race towards my destination my head throbs and I almost trip over my feet. I seize my head in my hands and open my mouth, exhaling sharply. The world around me gets brighter and a peculiar ringing enters my ears, surrounding me and engulfing me in a fiery pain, surging all around and inside me. The world is white around me. Suddenly everything stops. The pain, the sounds. The world.

I let go of my head, and look around. My mind does not function. It cannot. Questions, rationalities all bubble up to the surface of my mind but cannot get formed because of a jumble of other thoughts, trying to surface. I look around in awe, at what is around me. Blood, everywhere, and a dead body lying to my right, slumped against a locker, splattered with crimson liquid. Over the small body stoops a monstrosity, large and seeming made from the body parts of animals, ripped apart and sewn together again with no idea of what animals are supposed to look like. A rush of adrenaline kicks in, however the fear does not. The beast Isn’t moving. Nothing is! I wheel around quickly and see my original assailant at the stairs. As I watch the monster I notice that it is in fact moving, at an almost comical speed! The world has not stopped, but slowed down to an incredible pace. Ignoring the fact that this is against everything I’ve been taught at school, I realize this is God’s way of giving me a chance of freedom. At the thought, I immediately turn and start running towards my initial destination, a fleeting feeling of hope inside. I will survive, I have to survive! Running towards the front doors: half way there, 20 meters, 10, just a few more… A sudden bang, like a sonic boom when a body reaches speeds faster then that of sound, alerts me to the fact that my miracle is over. The world around me comes to life: the howls of the demons and their helpless victims all come splashing back and egg me on further to make it to the exit. Upon reaching the doors I jump forward, diving all the steps leading up to the entrance and land crudely on my left arm, barely escaping smashing my skull against concrete. I’m out. I’m alive! The ominous gloom around me, however, slaps me hard in the face. The fearful and pained yells I heard throughout the halls have almost died down: there is almost no one left to scream. I yell out a cry of sorrow, proclaiming my pitiful survival to the world, and am engulfed by blindness again, supported by the same, almost burning, ringing noise. This time however, I fall into darkness. Forever


Chapter 3 here

One Response to “Chapter 2 – Demon Story”

  1. nicely done, prehaps too much mystery, sometimes leaves the reader confused with the numerous ammounts of demons, whom u simple describe as “demon”, not saying u should give them names(like Bob the Demon) but dat when u say demon, u should prehaps use a bit more deatil.
    But I found this only happened twice, and it is well presented, but prehaps too much mystery, some foreshadowing would’ve been nice, but maybe I missed the foreshadowing, I dunno, that’s just wat I think.
    All in all nicely done dude

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